
Smart Crypto Cafe was the coffee shop with everything crypto! I wanted to find a Bitcoin ATM near me that I felt safe to make transactions at. You can buy Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency at our Bitcoin ATM in West Palm Beach, Florida!


Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency at Smart Crypto Cafe

Buy and Sell Bitcoin

How To Purchase Bitcoin
Coinbase has been the leader as a source to buy and sell Bitcoin and how we suggest you make your first Bitcoin purchase. Recently the Square Cash app has jumped up as the leading seller of Bitcoin. The Square Cash app is a very simple tool and we will writing about it in more detail soon. There are multiple other methods to buy and sell Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency exchanges are usually a very cost effective way along with peer-to-peer in-person exchanges. We like Cryptocurrency ATMs for the ease of use but are often very expensive in fees. Over-the-counter (OTC) is best when making large transactions.

Bitcoin Wallets

How To Store Bitcoin Safely
A wallet is the first thing you need, even before buying crypto, to store the cryptocurrency safely. Coinbase has a wallet built into the platform, we strongly suggest that you do not keep your cryptocurrency on an exchange. Everyone has a preference as to where they safely store their cryptocurrency. Hardware wallets are generally considered safer than software wallets and paper wallets tend to be the safest when used correctly. We use the Ledger Nano S for our hardware wallet and Exodus as a software wallet.

Bitcoin Exchanges

How To Buy, Sell, And Trade Altcoins
Cryptocurrency exchanges are websites where you can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrencies for other digital currency or traditional currency like US dollars or Euro. For those that want to trade professionally and have access to fancy trading tools, you will likely need to use an exchange that requires you to verify your ID and open an account. If you just want to make the occasional, straightforward trade, there are also platforms that you can use that do not require an account. We like Coinbase and Binance for most of our trading.

OTC Trading Bitcoin

How To Buy Large Amounts Of Bitcoin
Bitcoin OTC (over-the-counter) markets have seen a surge in buyers leading to a shortage of sellers. In a market, which remains highly volatile, round-the-clock cryptocurrency exchanges have a natural advantage. For high-demand liquidity Institutional traders must still look to OTC trading desks.

When you wish to buy $10,000 or more of Bitcoin at a time, you will need to seek out an OTC trading desk as they can handle the volume without slippage of price. Currently many of the OTC trading desks are moving to a minimum of $100,000 or more per trade. On a side note, OTC trades do not show as volume on sites like CoinMarketCap.com


Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Bitcoin Exchange
Using an exchange based off of a peer-to-peer directory lets you search and browse through various sellers of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Often sellers have reviews and feedback scores to help you choose which seller to use. Peer-to-peer exchanges match buyers and sellers without holding any funds during the trade.

We also look forward to decentralized exchanges such as the one in development by Binance.

Bitcoin ATMs

Buy Cryptocurrency From Bitcoin ATM
Bitcoin ATM (abbreviated as BATM / BTM) is a kiosk that allows a person to buy Bitcoin using an automatic teller machine. Some Bitcoin ATMs offer bi-directional functionality enabling both the purchase of Bitcoin as well as the sale of Bitcoin for cash. Bitcoin machines are not exactly the same as traditional ATMs but work in a similar fashion.

Bitcoin ATM kiosks are machines which are connected to the Internet, allowing the insertion of cash or a credit card in exchange for Bitcoin. They look like traditional ATMs, but they do not connect to a bank account and instead connect the customer directly to a Bitcoin exchange for a localized and convenient way to purchase Bitcoin in person.

What is the current price of Bitcoin to USD?