Ethermint & NFTs at EthDenver

by All in Bits (dba Tendermint Inc)

Interchain Ecosystem Blog


Ethereum is moving towards a sharded Blockchain architecture, which is a bit like a Local Area Network (LAN) of Blockchains. Everyone loves a good LAN party but sometimes you need to access remote systems. In terms of traditional computers this activity manifests as “The Internet” which utilizes TCP/IP as a communication protocol between remote machines. On a network of Blockchains you need IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) which manifeste as “The Interchain”. IBC enables a massive variety of networks to co-exist, each with their own features and purpose, communicating with a trustless protocol. Ethereum is obviously a massive part of this Interchain and aspects of its architecture will show up in many different places in many different ways.

One of the ways Ethereum will show up across the Interchain is with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This is a time tested secure execution environment with properties that make it ideal for smart contracts. If you are building a network outside of Ethereum and you want to utilize the EVM, one easy way to do so is to use the Cosmos SDK and the included Ethermint Module being developed by ChainSafe. Aragon has recently decided to run their own network that utilizes this architecture in order to make protocol level decisions for their users. This enables them to modify gas costs, increase throughput and design their own token economics from the ground up.

If you are interested in learning about building application-specific and interconnected Blockchains before EthDenver, join our workshop on Wednesday, February 12th during BUIDL Week. This session will be a hands on instructional course that uses the Cosmos SDK to build an NFT Blockchain. We will also go over the process of deploying your own EVM Blockchain that you can interact with via Metamask and utilizing all your favorite Ethereum developer tools. The workshop will be taught by Billy Rennekamp, founder of Clovers Network and developer relations engineer at Tendermint, Inc.

Connect with Cosmos on the forum to learn more!

The views and details expressed in this blog post are those of All In Bits Inc (dba Tendermint Inc), and do not necessarily represent the opinions or actions of the Interchain Foundation.



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