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Lawsuit is being organized versus Bitcoin.com for misleading novice Bitcoin users

A lawsuit is being organized versus Bitcoin.com owner Roger Ver who is known as ex-Bitcoin Jesus turned into Bitcoin Judas. Roger Ver has been an early investor in Bitcoin and many related companies, but has since turned to an Altcoin instead. The Altcoin named Bitcoin Cash or BCH / Bcash has forked off Bitcoin before an attempt failed at raising the minimum blocksize limit of the original chain. Bcash currently has so far only reached the adoption rates of Doge, with similar transactions count on-chain even though it has been already added to most major exchanges and even payment processors like BitPay have been supporting it.

Now Roger Ver, the owner of Bitcoin.com and the proponent of the “Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin” quote, has went forward and redesigned/rewrote certain parts of his website to mirror his beliefs. This in itself wouldn’t be a problem, but considering the site is named Bitcoin.com and is also a hub for selling Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Cloud mining contracts this could potentially deceive novice investors and newcomers into buying the wrong Bitcoin.

The lawsuit is being organized by known twitter user @MoneyTrigz who is also the admin for the CoinTimes magazine and the co-owner of Coindaily.co. The preparations are made via a telegram room, which anyone can join. According to the discussion a website with all the information regarding the coming legal action will be put in place in the near future.

Let’s see what the website shows us. There are sadly way more errors and misleading than we could count so we just display the first few:

The Block Explorer on the website displays Bitcoin with the BCH ticker and a non-existing currency called Bitcoin Core with the BTC ticker. For those who might not know, Bitcoin Core is the name of the consensus reference implementation, the currency is simply Bitcoin. The banner below shows an advertisement for the Bitcoin.com wallet, the mock up shows the BTC ticker even though the wallet doesn’t create a Bitcoin compatible wallet address by default anymore.


There is a beginner course for novice investors that is labeled as a Bitcoin course. There is no mention of Bcash.


After starting the course the first slide already starts with helping you understand ‘Bitcoin Cash’.


A slide displaying that ‘Bitcoin Core’, which doesn’t exist as currently every exchange and major business labels it as just Bitcoin, as not a digital currency. This seems confusing as to our knowledge it is both digital and a currency.

The next slide again talks about ‘Bitcoin Cash’ but displays a calendar with the label of ‘Bitcoin’.


The following slide tells the user that he can go purchase Bitcoin Cash on buy.bitcoin.com, but the image only displays the Bitcoin logo and the BTC ticker. Currently 99.9% of the exchanges and businesses display Bcash with the BCH ticker.


These could easily be categorized as a bait and switch tactic. There are sadly many more from where these came from, if you are interested in them feel free visit Bitcoin.com