IOHK Statement: Cardano Byron Testnet Restart

IOHK will be restarting the Cardano Byron testnet with a fresh genesis block on 29 July. This will not impact the Jormungandr Cardano Shelley Testnet or users of mainnet cluster. You will need to create new wallets and refetch funds from the faucet after the restart of testnet. connectScripts for this testnet are updated on the develop branch of cardano-sl and a Daedalus Installer for testnet will be published on 30 July. This will be available on the Cardano testnet website. The URLs for faucet, explorer and wallet endpoints will remain the same.

We have decided to restart the Cardano Byron Testnet to shrink the blockchain to a manageable size for users so they do not have to wait as long for chain synchronization similar to the process followed for the Bitcoin testnet. We are doing this in anticipation of the new Haskell Byron-Shelley rollout expecting a large spike in users interested in evaluating the new tooling the team is working diligently to provide to end users in the near future.

Actions you need to do if running a Daedalus instance on the testnet:

  1. Wait for Daedalus 0.14.0 to be available on the Cardano testnet website
  2. Follow instructions in the Reinstallation support article

Actions you need to do if running connectScripts from cardano-sl:

  1. git checkout develop
  2. rm -rf state-wallet-testnet state-explorer-testnet
  3. nix-build -A connectScripts.wallet.mainnet -o launch_testnet_wallet (for wallet API)
  4. nix-build -A connectScripts.explorer.mainnet -o launch_testnet_explorer (for explorer API)
  5. Run launch script

You will need to create new wallets and refetch funds from the faucet after the restart of testnet.


<< This will not impact the Jormungandr Cardano Shelley Testnet or users of mainnet cluster. >>

My coins are in a Yoroi wallet. Do those of us not participating in a testnet have to do anything? I’m guessing the reference to “users of mainnet cluster” means the answer is no, but I’d like to make sure.

A tesnet is for developer’s generally, and I suppose a good place for you and me to learn a little bit about the network our coins will be on in the future, but the aswer to your question in NO, if you are not participating in the testnet all of the functions in Yoroi and all of the functions o Ddz will operate as normal as it is on a different network, you can be sure the testnet is not going to affect your wallet in any way.


FYI, DNS cutover will be occurring now.


Faucet and explorer are back up and running.


How does that Faucet work anyway? When I first came into crypto there were Faucets that I looked into and looking back I can say I enjoyed the experience of using the utility, If a faucet could be built in the main vain of the Cardano network i think that would be pretty neat .

Hello, after Byron update i cannot connect to testnet
Where I can find genesis block hash, prev-hash and magic-number?

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@disasm Can you please answer this?

Credit to @vantuz-subhuman


The faucet is just a wallet with a web application that takes an input of an address to send funds to and those funds are sent in small increments. You can only have something like that on a testnet as otherwise you’d just be giving your own Ada away to others that has value. On testnet we have all the initial avvm certs so we can refill the faucet whenever it runs low with more funds.