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EOS Block Producer Research Portal

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Rank Name Account Org. Location EOS Votes EOS/Vote Percent Website BP Info Ownership Code of Conduct Public API Public Peer
1 GenerEOS aus1genereos AU   127.85M 24,719 5,172 3.19%
2 JP   123.08M 24,571 5,009 3.07%
3 bp.defi bp.defi JP   122.02M 13,712 8,899 3.05%
4 Newdex newdex.bp KY   121.81M 28,625 4,255 3.04%
5 EOSeoul eoseouldotio KR   121.56M 26,500 4,587 3.04%
6 eosinfstones eosinfstones 116.50M 20,599 5,656 2.91%
7 EOSIO.SG eosiosg11111 SG   116.46M 28,628 4,068 2.91%
8 starteosiobp starteosiobp CN   115.48M 33,450 3,452 2.88%
9 hashfin hashfineosio SG   114.58M 21,452 5,341 2.86%
10 eosflytomars eosflytomars CN   113.03M 26,550 4,257 2.82%
11 EOSUSA ivote4eosusa US   112.20M 19,690 5,699 2.80%
12 binancestake binancestake KY   112.13M 24,926 4,498 2.80%
13 Greymass teamgreymass CA   111.52M 28,532 3,909 2.78%
14 EOS Titan eostitanprod BG   110.86M 27,991 3,960 2.77%
15 blockpooleos blockpooleos 110.81M 26,420 4,194 2.77%
16 EOSphere eosphereiobp AU   110.56M 17,019 6,496 2.76%
17 AtticLab atticlabeosb UA   109.53M 35,371 3,097 2.74%
18 EOS Nation eosnationftw CA   107.97M 37,188 2,903 2.70%
19 eoscannonchn eoscannonchn KY   106.45M 36,286 2,934 2.66%
20 EOSLaoMao eoslaomaocom JP   105.63M 32,934 3,207 2.64%
21 EOS Asia eosasia11111 KY   102.30M 30,942 3,306 2.55%
22 eoslambdacom eoslambdacom 98.37M 17,148 5,736 2.46%
23 Detroit Ledge... eosiodetroit US   89.40M 25,833 3,461 2.23%
24 EOS Support eossupportbp US   86.73M 15,177 5,714 2.17%
25 moreisfuture moreisfuture CN   76.02M 12,984 5,855 1.90%
26 slowmistiobp slowmistiobp 75.00M 15,752 4,761 1.87%
27 bitfinexeos1 bitfinexeos1 58.93M 22,982 2,564 1.47%
28 CryptoLions🦁 cryptolions1 UA   58.43M 16,118 3,625 1.46%
29 EOS Rio 💙 eosriobrazil BR   57.09M 27,162 2,102 1.43%
30 eos42freedom eos42freedom DE   54.25M 22,709 2,389 1.35%
31 CN   53.31M 262 203,477 1.33%
32 EOS WIKI eosdotwikibp KY   40.50M 14,938 2,711 1.01%
33 CN   39.39M 12,340 3,192 0.98%
34 eosnewfuture eosnewfuture JP   38.15M 8,369 4,559 0.95%
35 truststaking truststaking JP   38.08M 1,149 33,138 0.95%
36 kikifinance1 kikifinance1 38.03M 6,127 6,207 0.95%
37 EOS Authority eosauthority GB   35.37M 32,119 1,101 0.88%
38 EOSAmsterdam eosamsterdam NL   35.31M 19,545 1,807 0.88%
39 Aloha EOS alohaeosprod US   34.99M 13,017 2,688 0.87%
40 DAOBOX BP bp.daobox SG   34.42M 5,573 6,176 0.86%
41 eosflareiobp eosflareiobp US   33.92M 13,233 2,564 0.85%
42 eosbixinboot eosbixinboot 30.67M 16,345 1,877 0.77%
43 certikeosorg certikeosorg US   28.53M 5,440 5,244 0.71%
44 okcapitalbp1 okcapitalbp1 27.42M 11,607 2,362 0.68%
45 eossnzpoolbp eossnzpoolbp 26.19M 6,265 4,180 0.65%
46 eoshenzhenio eoshenzhenio CN   26.18M 5,039 5,196 0.65%
47 JP   26.07M 55 474,037 0.65%
48 Noahark BP noaharkeosbp SG   25.88M 4,179 6,193 0.65%
49 eospaceioeos eospaceioeos CN   24.89M 2,740 9,085 0.62%
50 dexeosbpnode dexeosbpnode 24.39M 3,580 6,814 0.61%
51 eosrainbowbp eosrainbowbp 24.31M 3,399 7,152 0.61%
52 eosathenabp1 eosathenabp1 24.21M 347 69,770 0.60%
53 Uncommon Lab uncommonlabs KR   23.01M 38 605,483 0.57%
54 validatoreos validatoreos 22.21M 909 24,433 0.55%
55 eossv12eossv eossv12eossv US   20.27M 16,657 1,217 0.51%
56 KR   20.26M 16,169 1,253 0.51%
57 cochainworld cochainworld CN   18.78M 8,418 2,231 0.47%
58 EOS Rapid eosrapidprod US   18.47M 13,097 1,410 0.46%
59 ecoboost1111 ecoboost1111 16.66M 245 67,981 0.42%
60 10.61M 6,252 1,696 0.26%
61 zbeosbp11111 zbeosbp11111 CN   9.85M 13,404 735 0.25%
62 DeFis Network bp.dfs SG   9.79M 7,812 1,254 0.24%
63 EOS Cafe Block eoscafeblock CA   8.26M 21,050 392 0.21%
64 eosbeijingbp eosbeijingbp JP   6.83M 11,076 617 0.17%
65 EOSArgentina argentinaeos AR   6.62M 16,085 411 0.17%
66 helloeoscnbp helloeoscnbp CN   5.54M 16,473 336 0.14%
67 ramnetworkbp ramnetworkbp CA   5.52M 746 7,404 0.14%
68 eoshuobipool eoshuobipool 3.70M 17,128 216 0.09%
69 eosDAC eosdacserver CH   3.16M 20,203 156 0.08%
70 costaricaeos costaricaeos CR   2.89M 4,400 658 0.07%
71 eosDublin eosdublinwow IE   2.75M 9,267 297 0.07%
72 sheos21sheos sheos21sheos ES   2.41M 6,672 361 0.06%
73 eosvenezuela eosvenezuela VE   2.33M 1,895 1,230 0.06%
74 eosiomeetone eosiomeetone SG   2.11M 18,081 117 0.05%
75 eosedubpbest eosedubpbest DE   1.89M 1,345 1,403 0.05%
76 eoscleanerbp eoscleanerbp JP   1.73M 1,647 1,052 0.04%
77 EOS BP PGL.MLT bppgl.mlt US   0.59M 1,471 400 0.01%
78 hkeoshkeosbp hkeoshkeosbp HK   0.45M 9,078 49 0.01%
79 Donates2Eden donates2eden US   0.44M 894 493 0.01%
80 libertyblock libertyblock CA   0.32M 7,776 41 0.01%
81 heliosblocks heliosblocks US   0.30M 718 421 0.01%
82 TokenPocket itokenpocket SG   0.27M 6,379 43 0.01%
83 bp.boid ES   0.25M 635 397 0.01%
84 jedaaaaaaaaa jedaaaaaaaaa JP   0.24M 9,480 25 0.01%
85 eosBarcelona eosbarcelona ES   0.21M 1,243 170 0.01%
86 bountyblokbp CA   0.20M 500 403 0.01%
87 CALEOS caleosblocks US   0.19M 538 360 0.00%
88 Sentnl sentnlagents GB   0.19M 542 351 0.00%
89 eosyskoreabp eosyskoreabp KR   0.17M 7,549 23 0.00%
90 eosnairobike eosnairobike KE   0.14M 3,465 40 0.00%
91 eosisgravity eosisgravity SG   0.14M 7,784 18 0.00%
92 EOS BlockSmith blocksmithio PA   0.12M 3,298 37 0.00%
93 eosfishrocks eosfishrocks BZ   0.11M 3,837 28 0.00%
94 geosoneforbp geosoneforbp 0.10M 2,792 35 0.00%
95 csxcommunity csxcommunity DE   0.09M 608 140 0.00%
96 eosgenblockp eosgenblockp IS   0.07M 2,879 25 0.00%
97 oraclegogogo oraclegogogo CN   0.07M 3,557 20 0.00%
98 eosstorebest eosstorebest CN   0.04M 4,285 10 0.00%
99 keoskorea111 keoskorea111 0.04M 1,114 35 0.00%
100 vote4scatter vote4scatter 0.04M 572 64 0.00%
101 eosantpoolbp eosantpoolbp SG   0.03M 2,394 14 0.00%
102 eosonoeosono eosonoeosono 0.03M 1,298 25 0.00%
103 jrrcryptoeos jrrcryptoeos 0.03M 3,529 9 0.00%
104 hexlantttttt hexlantttttt KR   0.03M 3,472 9 0.00%
105 googlecloudp googlecloudp 0.03M 78 353 0.00%
106 eosgermanybp eosgermanybp 0.03M 1,048 25 0.00%
107 eospacificbp eospacificbp 0.02M 1,351 18 0.00%
108 eosukblocpro eosukblocpro GB   0.02M 1,608 15 0.00%
109 eosindiaiobp eosindiaiobp 0.02M 173 134 0.00%
110 BlockPro blockpro1eos 0.02M 146 140 0.00%
111 eossandiego1 eossandiego1 0.02M 284 67 0.00%
112 unlimitedeos unlimitedeos 0.02M 1,970 9 0.00%
113 dilidilifans dilidilifans SG   0.02M 424 41 0.00%
114 blacklusion blacklusion DE   0.02M 42 417 0.00%
115 franceosysbp franceosysbp FR   0.02M 564 31 0.00%
116 philippinebp philippinebp AL   0.02M 628 27 0.00%
117 eossiriussbp eossiriussbp FR   0.02M 202 80 0.00%
118 1eostheworld 1eostheworld PR   0.02M 278 56 0.00%
119 eosunion1111 eosunion1111 0.01M 2,533 6 0.00%
120 eosvietnambp eosvietnambp AL   0.01M 484 29 0.00%
121 bitspacenode bitspacenode NO   0.01M 713 19 0.00%
122 eosvolgabpru eosvolgabpru RU   0.01M 1,188 10 0.00%
123 taxreliefeos taxreliefeos 0.01M 26 432 0.00%
124 EOSArabia eosarabianet AE   0.01M 293 32 0.00%
125 eosjapanclub eosjapanclub JP   0.01M 1,069 8 0.00%
126 memtripblock memtripblock GB   0.01M 91 89 0.00%
127 eospaygatebp eospaygatebp 0.01M 326 25 0.00%
128 keycommunity keycommunity KY   0.01M 580 14 0.00%
129 eosbeaneosbp eosbeaneosbp US   0.01M 42 183 0.00%
130 koreainbexbp koreainbexbp 0.01M 626 12 0.00%
131 EOS IMPERA eosimperabpi IT   0.01M 472 16 0.00%
132 EOS/Telos Swe... swedencornet SE   0.01M 266 28 0.00%
133 eoscandyone1 eoscandyone1 0.01M 337 22 0.00%
134 blockchained blockchained RU   0.01M 452 16 0.00%
135 eoslovebirds eoslovebirds 0.01M 221 32 0.00%
136 eosvancouver eosvancouver 0.01M 409 17 0.00%
137 blockeosioio US   0.01M 208 33 0.00%
138 eoscybexiobp eoscybexiobp 0.01M 1,363 5 0.00%
139 activeeoscom activeeoscom US   0.01M 177 39 0.00%
140 switzerlanda switzerlanda CH   0.01M 239 28 0.00%
141 superoneiobp superoneiobp IO   0.01M 1,066 6 0.00%
142 blockgenicbp blockgenicbp 0.01M 456 14 0.00%
143 eoschaintech eoschaintech 0.01M 152 41 0.00%
144 eosecoeoseco eosecoeoseco CN   0.01M 1,155 5 0.00%
145 privexinceos privexinceos DE   0.01M 187 32 0.00%
146 bitcoingod11 bitcoingod11 0.01M 49 120 0.00%
147 ha4daobxg4ge ha4daobxg4ge SG   0.01M 488 12 0.00%
148 germaneostop germaneostop 0.01M 228 25 0.00%
149 eosholdings1 eosholdings1 0.01M 757 7 0.00%
150 bpacbpacbpac bpacbpacbpac IN   0.01M 275 20 0.00%
151 eosvillagebp eosvillagebp 0.01M 690 7 0.00%
152 eosnetworkio eosnetworkio 0.01M 235 22 0.00%
153 eosrussiacom eosrussiacom RU   0.00M 266 18 0.00%
154 stakedstaked stakedstaked 0.00M 140 34 0.00%
155 sheleaders21 sheleaders21 0.00M 682 7 0.00%
156 123singapore 123singapore 0.00M 551 8 0.00%
157 chainclubeos chainclubeos 0.00M 415 10 0.00%
158 ROELANDP - ro... roelandp1eos 0.00M 143 29 0.00%
159 eosninetiess eosninetiess 0.00M 416 10 0.00%
160 eosgalaxybp1 eosgalaxybp1 0.00M 494 8 0.00%
161 eoswenzhoubp eoswenzhoubp 0.00M 586 7 0.00%
162 blockmachin3 blockmachin3 US   0.00M 12 322 0.00%
163 miamixtrella miamixtrella 0.00M 9 423 0.00%
164 eosbepalsafe eosbepalsafe 0.00M 134 28 0.00%
165 blokcrafters blokcrafters 0.00M 5 759 0.00%
166 stargalaxybp stargalaxybp 0.00M 890 4 0.00%
167 eoswtzeoswtz eoswtzeoswtz 0.00M 421 9 0.00%
168 eoswinwinwin eoswinwinwin 0.00M 276 13 0.00%
169 moonxwitheos moonxwitheos IN   0.00M 250 14 0.00%
170 eosminergate eosminergate CA   0.00M 258 14 0.00%
171 eosrealbpcsg eosrealbpcsg 0.00M 137 26 0.00%
172 eosadddddddd eosadddddddd 0.00M 632 5 0.00%
173 eoszonrussia eoszonrussia 0.00M 158 20 0.00%
174 dapppub.bp dapppub.bp SG   0.00M 823 4 0.00%
175 eosgreeniobp eosgreeniobp 0.00M 255 12 0.00%
176 eosnewzealbp eosnewzealbp 0.00M 80 37 0.00%
177 eosmatrixeos eosmatrixeos IN   0.00M 240 12 0.00%
178 eoslithuania eoslithuania 0.00M 225 12 0.00%
179 eoslawyereos eoslawyereos 0.00M 231 11 0.00%
180 foodtokeneos foodtokeneos US   0.00M 27 96 0.00%
181 bitwireeosbp bitwireeosbp SG   0.00M 273 9 0.00%
182 eosarmyioant eosarmyioant 0.00M 68 36 0.00%
183 eoszhizhutop eoszhizhutop 0.00M 168 14 0.00%
184 eoslishjcool eoslishjcool 0.00M 7 324 0.00%
185 whateosbp111 whateosbp111 0.00M 33 67 0.00%
186 eosteaeostea eosteaeostea 0.00M 683 3 0.00%
187 tchaineospro tchaineospro 0.00M 21 101 0.00%
188 eosyosemitex eosyosemitex US   0.00M 39 49 0.00%
189 eoswingdotio eoswingdotio 0.00M 466 4 0.00%
190 eoseafricabp eoseafricabp 0.00M 38 49 0.00%
191 eosnovakorbp eosnovakorbp 0.00M 328 5 0.00%
192 EOSSanFrancisco sanfranc1sco CK   0.00M 70 25 0.00%
193 daoeosbpbwin daoeosbpbwin 0.00M 121 14 0.00%
194 blockgenesys blockgenesys GB   0.00M 121 13 0.00%
195 cypherblocks cypherblocks 0.00M 48 31 0.00%
196 eosbattlenet eosbattlenet 0.00M 25 60 0.00%
197 eostark11111 eostark11111 0.00M 187 8 0.00%
198 eosicelandbp eosicelandbp 0.00M 27 53 0.00%
199 onechaindapp onechaindapp 0.00M 98 14 0.00%
200 eosstarcraft eosstarcraft 0.00M 18 73 0.00%